Are internal rates necessary? My impressions of Splatoon 3 Bankara match in early season S+50!

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Splatoon, a popular Nintendo game, currently has three versions available.

Here I summarize my impressions of the Splatoon 3 Bankara Match (ranked match), in which I reached the highest rank of S+50.(As of March 2023)

If you want to buy Splatoon 3, click here →Amazon,Rakuten


My Splat History

My Splatoon experience began with Splatoon 2.
In Splatoon 2, I reached the highest rank, Rank X, but my skills were still at the bottom among those who were Rank X players.

I've been playing Splatoon 3 since it was released, and reached S+50 in the early seasons.

スプラ3 プレイ記録

What is Bankara Match?

Splatoon has a system called Udemae that shows the skill level of each player, similar to the ranking system in games such as Apex.

thisThe mode in which you can improve your skill level is the "Bunkara Match" mode, and the more matches you win, the higher your skill level will be.

There are four different rules for the Bankara match: Slam Dunk, Slam Dunk, Tower Control, and Slam Dunk, and each rule requires a different fighting style.

Good points of Bankara Match

It's easier to improve your skill level than Splatoon 2

In Splatoon 2, changes in rank were determined entirely by winning and losing.
In contrast, Splatoon 3 introduces an awards system that goes beyond just winning or losing to showing how well you performed in a match, and the more awards you earn, the more points you can get towards increasing your skill level.

This award system is also beginner-friendly, and even if you perform well but lose because you didn't work well with your allies, you can reduce the negative points, making it easy to improve your skill level.

スプラ3 表彰

That's the only good thing I could think of right away...

The downsides of bankara matches

Matching is unbalanced

It is said that this game has an internal rating system, and there is a theory that the team balance is adjusted and matched based on that internal rating system.

There seems to be a problem with this matching system, leading to far too many one-sided matches with either a win or a loss.
The teams' abilities are well balanced, and it seems like there are few games that end due to time running out.

スプラ3 戦績 連勝

If it were a rating system, the correct way to match players would be to gather multiple players with the same rating, but in this game, the matching is probably done so that each team has the same average rating.

1st personSecond PersonThird PersonFourth personaverage
Team 120001850180018001862.5
Team 218651865186518651865

Therefore, it is possible for a match to occur as shown in the table below.

If you just look at the average numbers, it seems balanced.
However, when it comes to Team 1, the 1800 rated player is likely to hold the team back, and the 2000 rated player will have to perform well enough to turn that around in order to win.

In other words, unless the 2000-rated player on Team 1 can perform to his full potential, it will be very difficult for Team 1 to win.

I understand that it's difficult to gather only players with the same rating, as it would take a long time to match them up, but it's common for a winning streak to be followed by a losing streak, and many players are dissatisfied with this matching, so I think it needs to be improved.

The weapon balance is weird

In this game, each weapon has a different range (the range in which they can target enemies).
Depending on the stage, the length of the range can create advantages or disadvantages.

It's great that different weapons have different strengths depending on the stage, but there's often a lack of balance in range between teams.

Sometimes matches will occur where one team has two players with long-range and two with medium-range, and the other team has two players with medium-range and two with short-range, and this can have a big impact on the outcome, so it will leave many players dissatisfied.

Things to try when you can't win

Even if you are working hard with the same frustrations as me, there are times when your skills stagnate and you just can't win...

If you are one of those people, you might want to consider buying a new controller.

Are you putting up with playing with a Joy-Con that's hard to use, or have you been using the same Pro Controller for so long that the stick is starting to go bad? I think it will also help motivate you.

If your genuine Pro Controller is not working properly, please click here →Pro Controller

This is recommended for those who want to try controllers other than the original Pro Controller.
8bitdo ultimate,Grip Controller Attachment Set,Wireless Horipad

If your aim doesn't suit you, you might want to try a freak.

If you find it difficult to aim, you may want to try increasing the height of the stick with a product called Freak.

Switch プロコン フリーク
Source: Rakuten Market

The sticks on the original Pro Controller are designed to be low in height, making it difficult to make fine adjustments.Therefore, by using a product called Freak to raise the stick, it may be possible to make fine adjustments more easily.

Switch プロコン フリーク
Source: Rakuten Market

However, depending on the size of your hands, it may not suit some people, so you may end up wasting your money. Also, since it is for genuine Pro Controllers, we do not recommend using it with other controllers.

It can be purchased for around 2,000 yen, so if you are interested, click here →Amazon,Rakuten

Try playing with earphones

In games such as FPS and TPS, it is important to be able to pinpoint the direction from which a sound is coming, and being able to determine the direction of a sound will give you an advantage when playing.

If you play the game while listening to the sound through speakers, it will be difficult to determine the direction of the sound, which will put you at a disadvantage, so we recommend playing with earphones.

We recommend Logitech's wired earphones, which are inexpensive and cost less than 10,000 yen, and offer stable performance.

Purchase here →Amazon,Rakuten


At the moment, it seems like there are a lot of problems with Bankara Match.

I understand that creating a well-balanced system is extremely difficult, considering the time it takes to match players and the need for beginners to continue playing, but it still seems like there are many areas that need improvement.

I hope there will be some improvement.

If you want to buy Splatoon 3, click here →Amazon,Rakuten

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