Things to keep in mind when you can't win in COD:MW3 ranked!

Even if you try your best to get ranked in COD:MW3, there are times when you just can't win. This article summarizes what you should be aware of at times like that. I think I'm an intermediate player, but I'd like to introduce what I keep in mind when I'm ranked. Hardpoints, etc.

Introducing how to select matching rules in MW3! A must-see for COD beginners!

This article introduces how to select matching rules when performing matching in COD:MW3. It's very easy to do, so keep it in mind when you want to match only rules you like or exclude rules you don't like. ...

My personal weapon rankings for MW3 ranked play! I'll also introduce the custom weapons I use! [Season 3]

In this article, I will introduce the top 4 weapons rankings for my personal rankings in COD:MW3. I will also introduce the weapon customizations I use. There are both AR and SMG, so please use the one that suits you best. Recoil control and aim...

Explaining the prestige of COD:MW3! This work requires no reset!

If you have played any COD series, you probably know that COD has a system called prestige. This article explains COD:MW3's Prestige. For those who don't know much about Prestige or those who don't know much about Prestige...