HORI has released a PC controller with a polling rate of 1000Hz!

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For those of you who play games on PC, what kind of controller do you usually use? This article summarizes the newly released PC (Windows) controller from HORI. Despite its low price, this controller is an excellent controller that supports a polling rate of 1000Hz.


Horipad for Windows® PC with 1000Hz output

The product name of the controller that can achieve a polling rate of 1000Hz, released by HORI, is Horipad for Windows.® It's a PC. Gaming mice generally have a polling rate of 1000Hz, but it's rare to find a controller that can achieve 1000Hz. It also has a back button with a rapid-fire function and a microphone mute button.

There are two types: stick cross type, in which the sticks are arranged diagonally, and stick straight type, in which the sticks are arranged horizontally.

Benefits of a 1000Hz controller

The advantage of a controller polling rate of 1000Hz is that the delay is significantly reduced. The PS5's original controller can only output up to about 250Hz, but a controller that can output 1000Hz will reduce the delay to about 1/4, which is a significant improvement.

With less latency, your operations are reflected more quickly and accurately, making it easier to control, and in competitive games, it may even increase your chances of winning. However,® When it comes to PCs, the only way to connect is via wired connection, so be careful about that.

For a gaming mouse, 1000Hz is the minimum polling rate, but for controllers, 1000Hz is currently considered a high polling rate.

Equipped with rapid-fire function, rear button, and microphone mute button

Horipad for Windows® The PC also has a rapid-fire function, and the rapid-fire speed can be adjusted in three stages. You probably won't have many opportunities to use the rapid-fire function, but it may be useful when you're running rounds or leveling up in certain games.

The back buttons are also well equipped, and you can assign each button yourself. These back buttons are a little large and are located near the base of the grip, so I don't think they are difficult to press. There is also a profile function that allows you to save button layout settings. Up to five profiles can be saved.

It also has a connector for connecting earphones or a headset, and a microphone mute button. However, this may only be of use to people who connect earphones or a headset to the controller.

Which is better, the cross type or the straight type?

Some people may be wondering whether to choose a cross type or a straight type. In that case, it is safe to choose the controller that has the same stick position as the controller you usually use. If you are using a controller like the PS5's DualSense, I think it is better to choose the straight type. If you are using a controller like the Xbox, I think the cross type will be easier to get used to.

When the position of the stick or buttons, or the size of the console, etc. changes, it will inevitably feel strange at first, so I think you'll be able to get used to it faster if you choose something as similar as possible.


Finally, Horipad for Windows® The PC performance is summarized in a table. Although it has a weakness in that it can only be used with a wired PC, it is a controller with rear buttons and a polling rate of 1000Hz, and yet it can be purchased at a low price, so if you are interested, please check out Amazon.

sizeCross type: 15.2 x 11 x 6cm
Straight type: 16 x 11 x 6 cm
cable length3m
Compatible OSWindows 11/10
polling rate1000Hz
official price4,980 yen (tax included)
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