Explaining the three rules used in COD:MW3 ranked play!

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This article summarizes the knowledge that I personally think is important about the rules for ranked play in COD: MW3. This is a must-read for those who have not played many of the ``Hard Points,'' ``Control,'' and ``Search and Destroy'' games that are part of the rules for ranked play.

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What is ranked play in COD?

As the name suggests, ranked play is a mode in which players are ranked according to their ability. It will be similar to ranked matches in Apex. You can earn points by winning each match, and lose points if you lose. Your rank will be determined based on the total points you have. Rank distribution according to points is as shown in the table below.

bronzesilvergoldplatinumdiamondcrimsonrainbowtop 250
0900210036005400750010000Top 250
COD:MW3 rank list

Please note that unlike quick play, ranked play has restrictions on weapons and perks that can be used. Also, the number of people participating in a match is limited.4 people per teamIn this way, the power and tactics of each individual player are becoming more important in order to win.Damage to alliesAlso, since there is a possibility of accidentally shooting down an ally or blowing them away with a grenade, teamwork is very important.

Rumor has it that matching is done according to internal rates.

This is a rumor, but the matchmaking for ranked play isInternal RateThere is a theory that this is being done in a way that is similar to how the ranking system and the rating system can coexist. Personally, I think it is difficult for the ranking system and the rating system to coexist, so if this rumor is true, I would like them to change it to matching by ranking.

This internal rate doesn't seem to work very precisely, with lower ranks below Gold matching higher ranks above Crimson. Furthermore, even if you get beaten up and lose, your points will become negative as usual. If you want to avoid this matching, we recommend playing at night when there are many Japanese players.

There are three rules for ranked play.

Unlike Quick Play, you cannot choose the rules for Ranked Play. The rules for Ranked Play are:HardpointControlSearch and DestroyThe game will be randomly selected from the following three. The map is also fixed, and the rules vary depending on the map. Once you are matched, the map and rules are decided, and you cannot quit. Let's explain each rule.

Hard point where the base moves

Hard points are added when you enter a designated base, and the first team to reach 250 points wins. If players from both teams are in the base, there will be a conflict and neither team will receive points. The difficult part about Hardpoint is that the location of the base changes every 60 seconds. As the remaining time for a base decreases, it becomes difficult to take consecutive bases without thinking about moving to the next point. It's very important to be able to move around, and there are many enemy encounters, so you'll need to have the ability to aim and win in succession.

Personally, I think how to protect your base is very important in Hardpoint. If even one member of the team is in a hard point base, points will be added.Even if 4 people enter, the points earned are the same as when 1 person enters.It has become. Therefore, the basic idea is to have one or two people enter the base, and have the rest of your allies move around near the base to defeat the enemies that try to get close to the base. Then, when the time remaining at that base is running out, it is very important to leave one ally in the base behind and leave the others to the next base.

Control is strong when multiple people enter the base

Control is divided into attack and defense, the attacker takes two bases A and B, the victory condition is to reduce the enemy's life to zero, and the defender defends either base until time runs out. The victory condition is to reduce the enemy's life to zero. Basically, this rule is said to favor the defender, but in MW3 I don't feel it favors the defender that much.

However, if you have played the game, you will know that it is difficult for the attacking side to take control of the base unless there is good coordination.When the attacking side enters the control base, the gauge progresses faster if multiple people enter.If you can make good use of this, you may be able to instantly turn around even in a situation where you are low on life and at a disadvantage. There are surprisingly many people who don't know about this feature, and I think there are many players who try to solidify their surroundings without trying to enter the base with their allies. If there are no enemies nearby and you have a chance to enter the base, entering it with your allies may increase your chances of winning when attacking.

Personally, the most difficult search and destroy

Personally, out of these three rules, Search and Destroy is the most difficult. Like control, it is divided into attack and defense, and there are no respawns, so it is a pure 4v4 battle. The winning condition for the attacking side is to plant a bomb on target A or B and destroy it, or annihilate the enemy. The victory condition for the defender is to not allow the bomb to be placed until the time is up, to defuse the placed bomb, or to annihilate the enemy. Since respawning is not possible, careful maneuvering and accurate aiming are required, creating a sense of tension and making the rules very difficult.

In order to increase your winning rate, you need to memorize strong positions and positions where the enemy is well hidden, so it's important to have the mentality to keep trying again and again without giving up, even if you don't get a good result. When fighting, it's important to stay close to your allies and make sure to cover them, so it might be better to be conscious of not leaving one person alone.If you are on the offensive side and can plant a bomb, you can impose a time limit on the defensive side.If you have a chance to install one, take advantage of it.

Bonus: There is no solution to the error crash on PS4 and PS5

When playing MW3 on PS4 and PS5, there are rare cases where an error occurs and the game is forced to close, but I don't think there is currently a way to deal with this error. It's not clear under what conditions the error occurs, so I think it's difficult to avoid it.

If you crash, your rank points will be deducted and you will be penalized, but I think you just have to wait until it's fixed in an update. If your teammate crashes due to an error, your points will not be deducted even if you lose, so it's not a problem as long as you don't crash due to an error.

Summary: Don't be conscious of killing, be conscious of cooperation with allies

This concludes our brief explanation of the rules for ranked play in MW3. Your winning rate will not increase unless you are aware of the rules and actively enter the base, so prioritize cooperation with your allies to win without worrying about your kill rate going down.

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