Many people are probably curious about the ranked matches for Rockman EXE Advanced Collection, which was released on April 14, 2023.
In this article, we will explain the ranked match system and the current state of matching!
*Created on April 16, 2023, two days after release.
The ranking varies depending on the work.
The Advanced Collection includes 10 titles from the Mega Man Battle Network series, but ranked matches will likely vary for each title.
The strength of the chips varies from piece to piece, so if they aren't separated, it's obvious the balance won't be achieved.
How to increase your rank
As for how you move up in rank, it's not a points system; promotion or demotion is determined purely by the number of wins and losses.
There are demotion conditions set for each rank, and if you can win a certain number of times before suffering a certain number of losses, you can be promoted.
The rank order is E → D → C → B → A → S → SS → SSS → ΩIt will go up.
Once you reach the highest rank, Omega, there are no more conditions for demotion, so it appears you will remain at that rank forever unless a rank reset is performed.

How to play ranked matches
If you want to play ranked matches, open the menu while playing each game and select "Network" or "Communication."
The image below is the menu screen for Rockman EXE 6.

After that, you will be given options such as battle and trade, so select online battle.

When you select NetBattle, you will be given the option to choose between Public and Private matches.
In public matches, the results will affect your rank, while private matches are for playing against friends and will not affect your rank.
For ranked matches, select Public Match.

When you select Public Match, you will be taken to a screen where you can set the rules for the match.
The matching format is ranked match, and you can choose between host or guest, as well as rules such as whether or not you can use modified cards.
Matching cannot begin unless all items are selected.
If there are players looking for an opponent with similar rules, you will be matched up.

Points to note about ranked matches
Story progress affects
In ranked matches, chips and Rockman's stats are not fixed, and the customizations you made while playing the story will have an effect.
For this reason, I think it will be essential to play ranked matches after you have completed the story and created a fairly strong custom character.
Matching takes time
probably,You will only be matched with players who have selected the same rules as you.Since the system searches for players with a similar rank to yours, matching can take some time.
*This article was written shortly after the game's release, so it's likely that the number of players still playing through the story is a factor.

It is better to select the country you want to match with.
You can select the country you want to be matched with from your network settings.
The default setting is Worldwide, but when playing against players from other countries, there may be severe lag and you may not be able to perform to your full potential, so if you live in Japan, we recommend selecting Japan.
However, if you select Japan, it may take longer to match, so if you want to shorten the matching time, it's best to select Worldwide.

Cross-play is not supported
As of April 16, 2023, when this article was written,Cross-play not supportedIt becomes.
Cross-play is a system that allows online play between different platforms such as Switch, PS4, and Steam.
I bought the Steam version,The Switch is likely to have the largest number of players, and the matching time can be reduced with the Switch version.
It is unclear whether cross-play will be supported at some point, but if you want to play ranked matches for a longer period of time, we recommend purchasing the Switch version.
This article is written for those who don't know how to play ranked matches or are unsure whether to purchase it.
I hope this is of some help.
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